The Enterprise Security Architecture Platform for your Authentic Business

HelloRisk enables every business to balance achieving its goals and protection measures with the confidence it desires.
You are currently utilising various tools, ever increasing in price, that support your business cyber security and risk management but don’t reach the solution your business or budget.
Implementing a tailored, framework-based Enterprise Security Architecture that is aligned to your business, streamlines your processes, simplifies your risk management and is accessible from anywhere at any time.
By utilising one cloud-based platform, you can build relevant and understandable architecture, identify and mitigate risks and improve confidence in achieving your business goals.
What does HelloRisk do for you?

Understanding Your Team and Goals: It helps you identify who is involved in your business (your stakeholders), what they aim to achieve, and uncertainties they may face.

Setting Targets and Measuring Success: You can set specific goals for how well your security needs to perform and track how close you are to meeting these goals.

Analysing Your Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses: HelloRisk allows you to record what your business is good at and where it might be exposed. It also enables you to grasp opportunities for improvement and prepare for potential threats.

Making Better Informed Decisions: Understand, plan and optimise the impact of identified events on your business.

Setting and Meeting Security Objectives: You can define and integrate your security goals with your business objectives.

Streamlining Services and Processes: The platform breaks down complex services and processes into more manageable parts, making them easier to understand, improve and reuse.

Expert Collaboration: It allows you to divide the work among specialised experts in different areas of your business.
By using HelloRisk, you’re not just patching up security holes with fixes; you’re building a comprehensive, well-thought-out security architecture that supports your entire business into the future.
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HelloRisk's platform is a map for your business's security. It helps you connect the dots across your enterprise and supply chain, from the people involved (your stakeholders) and their goals to the technology and processes they use . This means you can quickly see how everything in your business is linked together for security purposes. It's like having a clear trail to follow so you always know how and why each part of your business is essential for your security. In a world where risk and uncertainty are inevitable, HelloRisk supports you to take a risk-driven approach by understanding the nature and extent of the risks you are actively or passively taking. This invaluable architecture helps set you up for success.

Security should be something that’s not locked away or only understood by a select few experts. HelloRisk makes collaboration easy. Think of your ESA as a shared online workspace where everyone you choose can access the tools, information, and reports they need anytime and anywhere. This way, your teams can work together seamlessly, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding your company's security.
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Frederic Hill
Founder & CEO
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus faucibus euismod massa, in rhoncus metus blandit laoreet. Nunc ex dui, mattis quis tempor a, sollicitudin eu augue. Cras consectetur euismod enim, at vestibulum nisi lobortis in. Sed diam tortor, finibus non pulvinar a, semper nec nulla. Nam nec lobortis nisi, vel accumsan odio. Donec faucibus odio a mi aliquam vehicula. Ut vitae placerat purus.
Safaa Sampson
Account Executive
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus faucibus euismod massa, in rhoncus metus blandit laoreet. Nunc ex dui, mattis quis tempor a, sollicitudin eu augue. Cras consectetur euismod enim, at vestibulum nisi lobortis in. Sed diam tortor, finibus non pulvinar a, semper nec nulla. Nam nec lobortis nisi, vel accumsan odio. Donec faucibus odio a mi aliquam vehicula. Ut vitae placerat purus.
Brendan Buck
Marketing Manager
Understand the HelloRisk ESA Product
With HelloRisk, an Enterprise Security Architecture (ESA) boosts business operations and security through efficient business requirement management, clear domain visualisation, and stakeholder-focused reporting. It incorporates attribute profiles and SWOT analysis for proactive risk management, balances security with business value chains through control and enablement objectives and offers a view of logical, physical and component layers of security for easier management and refinement.
Imagine designing, viewing and editing your company's Enterprise Security Architecture from anywhere – that's what HelloRisk offers. Whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or even a screen in a meeting room, if you have an internet connection, you can access, view, and update your security plans. This means you can stay on top of your architecture no matter where you are, making it super convenient to make changes or check in on things, even during meetings.
With HelloRisk, staying informed about risks is as easy as checking your phone. If you're responsible for managing risks (a risk owner), you can quickly see the issues and visualise the delegation and aggregation of risks. The unique domain view shows how different parts of your business are connected and how they meet their security goals. This makes it easier for you to take timely, well-informed actions in a proportional and prioritised manner. Plus, you can create detailed reports to share with others, tailored to show exactly what they need to know. We call it ‘Architecture in your pocket’.
HelloRisk ensures that your security architecture isn't just a static plan; it's a dynamic, responsive, and adaptive part of your business. HelloRisk can make your security management smoother and more efficient.
HelloRisks lets you display your architecture visually and in tabular and report formats. Reports can be generated to help quickly communicate key architectural requirements to stakeholders at various levels and languages of the enterprise.
Traditionally, significant resources were expended in the process of regenerating complex diagrams and reports due to architectural changes. HelloRisk lets you adjust architecture on the fly and generate new reports immediately – reducing your architectural workload and speeding up your decision-making.
HelloRisk already works in several different languages, and we are always interested in adding new languages to support our customers! Our platform enables staff in different countries to work together collaboratively with their own native languages. We don’t just support these users, they can generate reports in different languages. HelloRisk is perfect for organisations of any size and consultants working on international projects. HelloRisk works for everyone.

ESA reinvention
In the past, enterprise security architecture was often seen as too complicated or focused on technology. But HelloRisk changes that. Anyone in your company, from top executives to junior staff, can understand and contribute to your security plans. While providing structure and rigour, your architecture will be accessible to a wider audience and individual stakeholders dependent on their business needs. Having better security moves you away from old myths and assumptions to a more structured and effective way of keeping your business safe and thriving.